Historia del scientia

Le historia del scientia tracta le evolution del scientia ab le antiquitate usque al presente. Illo comprehende omne tres brancas principal del scientia: le natural, le social e le formal.[1]

Le radices le plus ancian del scientia pote esser traciate usque al Egypto antique e Mesopotamia circa 3.000 a 1.200 a.Chr.[2][3] Le contributiones de iste civilisationes al mathematica, astronomia e medicina influentiava posteriormente le philosophia natural grec del antiquitate classic, ubi se faceva tentativas formal de provider explicationes de eventos in le mundo physic basate sur causas natural.[2][3] Post le cadita del Imperio Roman Occidental, le cognoscimento del conceptiones grec del mundo decadite in le Europa Occidental que parlava latino durante le prime seculos (400 a 1.000 p.Chr.) del Medievo,[4] ma continuava a prosperar in le Imperio Roman Oriental (o Byzantino) que parlava greco. Adjutate per translationes de textos grec, le vision hellenistic esseva preservate e absorbite in le mundo musulman arabophone durante le Periodo de Auro Islamic.[5] Le recuperation e assimilation de operas grec e investigationes islamic in Europa Occidental del seculo X a XIII reviveva le studio del philosophia natural in le Occidente.[4][6]

Le philosophia natural esseva transformate durante le Revolution Scientific in le Europa del seculos XVI e XVII,[7][8][9] como nove ideas e revelationes se disassociava del conceptiones e traditiones grec precedente.[10][11][12][13] Le Nove Scientia que emergeva esseva plus mechanistic in su vision del mundo, plus integrate con mathematica e plus fidibile e aperite, proque su cognoscimento esseva basate sur un methodo scientific recentemente definite.[11][14][15] Plus de "revolutiones" in le seculos subsequente sequeva tosto. Le revolution chimic del seculo XVIII, pro exemplo, introduceva nove methodos e mensurationes quantitative pro le chimia.[16] In le seculo XIX, nove perspectivas concernente le conservation de energia, le epocha del Terra e le evolution veniva in concentration.[17][18][19][20][21][22] E in le seculo XX, nove revelationes in genetica e physica poneva le bases pro nove subdisciplinas como biologia molecular e physica de particulas.[23][24] De plus, le preoccupationes industrial e militar, assi como le crescente complexitate de nove interprisas de recerca, introduceva le epocha del "scientia grande," particularmente post le Secunde Guerra Mundial.[23][24][25]

  1. Cohen, Eliel (2021). "The boundary lens: theorising academic activity", The University and its Boundaries, 1st, New York, New York: Routledge, 14–41. ISBN 978-0367562984. 
  2. 2,0 2,1 Lindberg, David C. (2007). "Science before the Greeks", The Beginnings of Western Science, 2nd, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1–20. ISBN 978-0-226-48205-7. 
  3. 3,0 3,1 Grant, Edward (2007). "Ancient Egypt to Plato", A History of Natural Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1–26. ISBN 978-052-1-68957-1. 
  4. 4,0 4,1 Lindberg, David C. (2007). "The revival of learning in the West", The Beginnings of Western Science, 2nd, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 193–224. ISBN 978-0-226-48205-7. 
  5. Lindberg, David C. (2007). "Islamic science", The Beginnings of Western Science, Second, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 163–92. ISBN 978-0-226-48205-7. 
  6. Lindberg, David C. (2007). "The recovery and assimilation of Greek and Islamic science", The Beginnings of Western Science, 2nd, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 225–253. ISBN 978-0-226-48205-7. 
  7. Küskü, Elif Aslan (2022-01-01). "Examination of Scientific Revolution Medicine on the Human Body / Bilimsel Devrim Tıbbını İnsan Bedeni Üzerinden İncelemek". The Legends: Journal of European History Studies. 
  8. Hendrix, Scott E. (2011). "Natural Philosophy or Science in Premodern Epistemic Regimes? The Case of the Astrology of Albert the Great and Galileo Galilei". Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 33 (1): 111–132. doi:10.46938/tv.2011.72. 
  9. Principe, Lawrence M. (2011). "Introduction", Scientific Revolution: A Very Short Introduction. New York: Oxford University Press, 1–3. ISBN 978-0-199-56741-6. 
  10. Lindberg, David C. (1990). "Conceptions of the Scientific Revolution from Baker to Butterfield: A preliminary sketch", Reappraisals of the Scientific Revolution, First, Chicago: Cambridge University Press, 1–26. ISBN 978-0-521-34262-9. 
  11. 11,0 11,1 Lindberg, David C. (2007). "The legacy of ancient and medieval science", The Beginnings of Western Science, 2nd, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 357–368. ISBN 978-0-226-48205-7. 
  12. Del Soldato, Eva (2016). The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Fall 2016, Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. 
  13. Grant, Edward (2007). "Transformation of medieval natural philosophy from the early period modern period to the end of the nineteenth century", A History of Natural Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press, 274–322. ISBN 978-052-1-68957-1. 
  14. Gal, Ofer (2021). "The New Science", The Origins of Modern Science. New York, New York: Cambridge University Press, 308–349. ISBN 978-1316649701. 
  15. (2020) "The scientific revolution", Making Modern Science, 2nd, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 25–57. ISBN 978-0226365763. 
  16. (2020) "The chemical revolution", Making Modern Science, 2nd, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 58–82. ISBN 978-0226365763. 
  17. (2020) "The conservation of energy", Making Modern Science, 2nd, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 83–107. ISBN 978-0226365763. 
  18. (2020) "The age of the earth", Making Modern Science, 2nd, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 108–133. ISBN 978-0226365763. 
  19. (2020) "The Darwinian revolution", Making Modern Science, 2nd, Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press, 134–171. ISBN 978-0226365763. 
  20. (2003) From Natural Philosophy to the Sciences: Writing the History of Nineteenth-Century Science. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-08928-7. 
  21. The Oxford English Dictionary dates the origin of the word "scientist" to 1834.
  22. (2011) "Science and the Public", Wrestling with Nature. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 367. ISBN 978-0-226-31783-0. 
  23. 23,0 23,1 (2020) "Genetics", Making Modern Science, 2nd, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 197–221. ISBN 978-0226365763. 
  24. 24,0 24,1 (2020) "Twentieth-century physics", Making Modern Science, 2nd, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 262–285. ISBN 978-0226365763. 
  25. (2020) "Introduction: Science, society, and history", Making Modern Science, 2nd, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1–24. ISBN 978-0226365763. 

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